Droplets of Happiness

Droplets of Happiness

Mar 15, 2021

How have I

Gone so long

Without feeling

A single drop of happiness

Rain down on me?

For so long

There was a happiness drought.

And now,

When it rains,

It pours.

Droplets containing particles.

Particles of my happiness.

They hit me

Like a punch in the face;

But a good kind of punch.

I'd get punched

A thousand times,

If it means feeling like this.

Droplets of euphoria.

It takes away the numbness.

I no longer dissociate.

I'm in the present.

The drops of happiness,

A reminder of that.

I am grateful.

I am in a state of euphoria.

It feels nice

To feel;



Other than sadness.

I dance in those drops of happiness

Because I know

What it's like

To experience a drought.

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