7 supporters
Example: Game of Life

Example: Game of Life

Nov 20, 2022

Conway's Game of Life

A cellular automata algorithm made in Fusion 2.5


Additional Features:

  • Pause/Resume simulation

  • Reset current simulation

  • Advance to next generation manually

  • Adjust Tick Speed (based on the timer)

  • Control the Res size (cell size) can also be used to zoom in/out

  • Surface/ Actives rendering

  • Pattern Loading from .txt files, very common format

  • Cells Wrap around when instead of just destroying themselves if they went close to one of the edges

Video Showcase:


  • The custom debugger takes a lot of processing power, even when hidden

  • This can be faster, the easiest addition would be using the exclusive F2.5 plus features like refactoring the code to utilize child events and DX11, Using Faster Array based objects, like the binary array.. etc

  • You can easily add patterns, for example you can copy a pattern to Template.txt file in the "Lexicon" folder, Try using this site to copy patterns from: adding more patterns is also possible by just making a new .txt file in the Lexicon folder


LMB: Create Cells

RMB: Remove Cells

MMB: Drag Debugger

TAB: Hide/Show Debugger

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