McPiper v1.1 is out now

McPiper v1.1 is out now

Jun 29, 2020

New release

The new version of McPiper (v1.1) is out on macOS App Store.

The focus of this release is on notifications. When pipeline for a repo fails user get's a notification. It's simple as that.

But support for notifications is quite basic at this stage, the application monitors the current state, and if the new data arrives with the failed status it will trigger an alert. Better support for notifications rules is planned, check the [roadmap]( for further info.

Some other changes

  • Ability to make polling interval configurable

  • UI improvements for preferences screens

  • Various bug fixes and other improvements

  • Data fetcher refactoring to support further improvement of app architecture and adding other CI/CD services (Github Actions, Circle CI, etc).

Also, there were first sales in the AppStore 🎉

Any questions? Get in touch via Twitter @gerlv

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