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SkyView Astrology: June Full Moon Readin ...

SkyView Astrology: June Full Moon Reading

Jun 14, 2022

SkyView Astrology

Full Moon Reading 14 June 22: Don't think linear!

By Katharina Bless

This Full moon has a very important message and once we understand it, it’s much easier to go through this time, through this tunnel to come out at the other end and not being stuck.

We are shifting form “normal” to “natural”. When we are in a norm and programmed, we loose the connection to our true nature! Now we are being transformed back to natural… at least those who are not holding on to the old and outdated matrix.

This is a reading with the real star constellations, an accurate analyze of what is happening in the world right now.

I have posted it in both my channels at Brighteon

and you can also find it on YouTube on my channel, just in case the YT is not happy with what I’m saying, it’s all backed up (-:

For those new to my readings, please check out the latest Introduction because it is quite different from the Western/Tropical Astrology and my previous reading in my blog page:

A guide to Life’s Pilgrimage and the Soul’s Path of Evolution

Personal Readings with Katharina

My readings are very powerful tools to better understand life. SkyView Astrology is more accurate than any fortune telling. I also offer Dakini Oracle readings. For details go to:

You can follow my Silver Dove Network at Telegram
or you can reach me at Telegram: @KatharinaBless
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