Soullana Art
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Moving Forward and Expanding...

Moving Forward and Expanding...

Jun 11, 2021

I've been contemplating a lot in what direction I want to take this space. I always struggle sticking to just one thing as I have way to many intrest and knowledge that I gathered through years of experience working in different fields. After giving it a lot of thought this is what I posted today on my FB page ...

"Even though I haven’t been to active here I’ve been back in my swing, energy wise and more efficient in how I’m using my time.

Even though, now that my contract with the company I was working with is finished and I don’t qualify for unemployment, I have been really calm about it all. From next month I will have very little financial support outside of my online work and I’m no where near to be doing enough to cover my living expenses, but I have this feeling of trust in me and I believe things will work out for me exactly as they need to.

My mind has definitely been clearer and my routine and productivity are much more relaxed yet more efficient.

I know how difficult and confusing and frustrating it can be to run your own online business especially when your livelihood depends on it, so I thought I’d pay it forward (because I love you and want to see you succeed) and organize a get together zoom call where we can discuss where we currently are in our businesses and what we struggle with so that we can create solutions and bring our businesses to the next level."

And now, I'd love to hear what do you think. would something like this, a community of fellow and future enterpreneurs, be valuable and helpful to you?

What topics regarding online income, online business, online opportunities, online marketing, would you like us to speak on or even invite others to speak?

Let me know your thoughts!

Have a fantastic day!

Love you!


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