NEW SONG! :D "False Utopia" - Wandering ...

NEW SONG! :D "False Utopia" - Wandering Spirit

Jul 25, 2021

This new original song I made is a story of a promised utopia by the powers that be. Giving promises of safety, longer life, and pleasures of the world, which in reality is fabricated lies to empower the ones who are the head and speakers of this so called 'utopia'.
"A False Utopia is a place, a town, or even a world that seems or at least is supposed to have no faults, while in reality it just hides them very carefully from its inhabitants." 

I hope you enjoy this and share your thoughts on my latest song that I have finished working on to get more music out to you kind people taking the time to listen to my music and even read my messages!

Do not fall for the trap of a peace that is way too good to be true, especially if it's coming from those in high power, enticing people with this 'promise' of great peace. Curing many diseases, live a longer life, etc. Do not fall for the tricks, especially after researching our dark history, and as we all know, history repeats itself.
False Utopia is a place, town, or even a world that seems or at least is supposed to have no faults, while in reality it just hides them very carefully.
In the lyrics of 'The Fiend' by the band Alesana hints of the idea that people will be longing to prolong their lives, even at the cost of dangerous possibilities of using that 'false utopia' for the personal gains of those on top.
Character 1: (thinking of joining that utopia) "Should we go? They all seem so content
We should go and become part of him"

Character 2: (voice of reason, knowing that this an illusion of peace) "I need you to trust me now
Don't move, I'll figure this out
Forget what anyone said
Just take my hand or we'll both be dead"

Character 2: "Blind are leading the blind into a disaster
I'm the only one who seems to care
If you decide to worship the chaos
I will not wait and watch as you burn"

They'll never be able to see.. that they crave this captivity

Jesus announces a final persecution against His Church before His return, through the seemingly universal (but temporary) success of the Antichrist, who will establish a "false peace" on earth (cf. 1 Thessalonians 5:3), through a world government and a world religion that will deny Jesus Christ as the true Messiah.

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