February Recap

February Recap

Mar 01, 2022

Holy birthday month, Batman! It's March, and I'm turning 30 in a few weeks! I like to celebrate all the days leading up to Saint Patrick's Day aka my birthday, which means plenty of shamrocks and hashtag treating myself are in store.

February always feels so short (because it is), but I felt relatively productive, writing-wise. All those cold winter days keep me inside and thinking about life, the universe, and everything.

Let's take a look at the words I put out into the web this month, shall we?

  • I capped off January's Skyrim obsession by writing a piece about the game's impact on my relationship, as well as the current front stoop décor the Breezehome is sporting in my universe. Thanks for FanFare for publishing "Skyrim's Courier is Obsessed With Me," which is my favorite thing I've written recently, if I'm honest.

  • The Bengals were in the Super Bowl for the first time in my entire life, which I took as a good excuse to write yet another little love letter to my hometown of Cincinnati.

  • My latest morning ritual involves a quote from Spider-Man, surprising no one. Shocked and pleased that Age of Empathy took on my reflection about the personal nature of rituals, "The Power of the Sun in the Palm of My Hand."

  • I recently had to buy new bras because the girls were tired of that B cup life. I wrote about my complicated feelings re: my boobs for Breast Stories.

  • Your Book Friend put out plenty of new reviews and bookish goodness this month, which you can find on our publication homepage.

Thanks so much for checking out what I've been up to! I'd love to hear what you think. And if you're interesting in throwing a little birthday month love my way, maybe buy me a coffee?

Until next time, friends!

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