How or where to start...

How or where to start...

Dec 30, 2022

I started cooking in college and I learned how to cook in Colorado. 

I like to eat satisfying meals, and the way that I conceptualize them has a process. Here I am learning and discovering myself and the how I do things. The why is always pretty simple. 

I never believed that I was creating something new by altering a few ingredients of a recipe, yet it feels like that is the name of the game that a lot of people play. 

I do look at a variety of people, observe how they do things, take in their reasons why and then I proceed. I have tried to identify what it is that I’m looking for and if there is one person that does it the way I expect it to be done. 

At some points, like this one, I go back to the thought that although I look for inspiration in varied sources, I always make determinations in regards to what is best for me. 

I take all the options in, and then I, just flow in my direction. I take a few pieces here and a few pieces there and I create.

Sometimes I frustrate myself because I want there to be some predictability to the how. I want to have a formula I follow, but the reality is that it is different for me. 

The formula was that there was no real formula, and that the job gets evaluated based on what it presents. 

I’ve learned how to make various recipes this way, and I have no figured out the formula. 

The formula is research, then evaluate, then implement. Then review, then revise, then implement again. Trial and error, until reach satisfaction. 

This is my formula for recipes, relationships, learning, work, parenting, and basically everything that I do. 

I identify so much with my human design because I don’t ever quite do two things the same way, even if the first time it appeared successful. 

And I go so fast when I think I have it that I skip steps, and I often have to go back and reassess. It has taken a bit, but I am okay with this now. 

The frustration of not starting because of imperfection is slowly ceasing to exists, and I just go, responding with my sacral and allowing for the experience to lead me. 

There are certain things that just make sense and others that won’t for some time, and still I am grateful.

Why am I processing this out loud you may wonder? And here is why, because I’ve had a number of people coming to me asking me how to get started on healing. And healing, just like any other endeavor in your life, takes time, patience, and development. 

Alignment with your soul path can take some time to get it in the way that you are meant to, and this is okay. The same way that I learned how to cook, is the way I learned how to heal. Trial and error. 

The investment of time, is beyond what you may be able to configure, the hours and days, and years that I have spent, in learning and crafting out my processes, is something that I am proud of. It is practically most of my life at this point. 

However, my diy method of healing and growth only took me so far, and when I started reaching out to people who my soul brought forth to me, someway and somehow, I started growing faster. 

I can acknowledge that I can integrate at a higher level and the growth is constant that it is part of my nature. I choose kindness and peace first, it even surprises me. I still have all my fire but I use it in other ways. My energy is well spent in the ways that I choose to. And the universe continues to bless me so much that it gives me chills. 

I am in communion with my highest self and although we fight from time to time, we are committed to this life. We are embodied in the knowing that there is no real end, and we know how to take falls and rise again and again.

2022 has had amazing moments of both devastation and beauty for me and my family. I’m so grateful for the experience and the leveling up that it provoked within me. And I am gearing up to rest with the winter in some ways, while outlining and planning for the rest of this year. 

In the next two weeks, I am going to prepare content to share here on Amor Seeds, that will last throughout the winter, as I am taking a break from showing up. 

My Facebook will be up but inactive, and I will be doing some guest appearances on podcasts. But for the most part, I’m taking my time with Amor Personified, because they have some real beauty to impart as a catalyst for transfomation. 

If you are wanting to walk this walk with me, ways to stay connected are:

1. Amor Seeds Membership (free for one year with purchase of Know Your Cycles)

2. Follow and Subscribe on Instagram

3. Get your own roadmap to 2023

4. Show up to the circles (dates coming soon) . 

Love you, 

Claudia Adalgisa

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