Get Free Alerts for Day Trading Cryptocu ...

Get Free Alerts for Day Trading Cryptocurrency.

May 01, 2021

 It is not necessary to invest or request the company’s debit card to use the app.

 You can also deposit or buy cryptocurrencies and earn interest.

  • Install the app using the link provided:

  • Register in the app.

  • Open the app, go to Track Coins, choose the tokens/coins you want to trade, and mark them as favorites.

  • Activate/enable notifications for the app.

  • Daily, you will start receiving alerts when your favorite currency goes down or goes up in price. When it drops 5% or more, go to your preferred exchange BinaceUS, Coinbase/PRO, Kraken,, and analyze the charts corresponding to that currency/token in the 4 hours or 1 day period.

  • Place an order of no more than 10% of your trading capital for each currency if favorable conditions. A minimum of $ 1000 per trade is recommended, but you can start with less.

Optional: Place a limit sell order (Sell/Limit) at a price that is 1% - 10% over the buy price to sell automatically. If the amount invested is less than $ 1000, you probably need more than 5% profit to be effective.

Photo by Sajad Nori on Unsplash


o The prices of the currencies in the app may vary to those of the exchange.

o Alerts may arrive with some delay, so you must act quickly to place your purchase order for the monitored cryptocurrencies.

o Do not use Brave browser or browsers with extensions such as Ad Block Plus to access the installation links.

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