Be Hutchinson
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How do you love the work that you do?

How do you love the work that you do?

Oct 16, 2022

For me it’s by realising why I do what I do. If you are working to pay the bills and put food on the table then love the bills you pay and the food you put on the table..... it’s a challenge to begrudge something that provides you with the result you desire. The sooner we realise this the sooner we can begin to shift a level in our vibration and consciousness and the burden you think you are carrying by providing for your family or yourself will change. And that’s another opportunity to love what you do, if you have a family you are providing for then love them and appreciate the work you do as a way to contribute to them. Next time flip your story and visualise what you want to do ✨

I began writing this post back in December 2020, I’m finishing it now in October 2022 and can still see the relevance and mental rest it provides when I read it.

All I would add is to visualise what you would love to do, unfurl it, journal about it, learn and understand it and make sure it is what you really want to do and do this all the while that you are loving whatever you are receiving by doing what you are currently doing. Then if the what you do now does not match what you want to do at least the gap will be closer and you can begin to gradually do more of what you love and allow the two or however many to come together as one.

You can be extremely good at something which provides very well for your life but not truly love it and this is ok, find a way to do both and bring in balance and harmony to yourself and go from there. This is where I am at right now in October 2022 and at the beginning of the 8th clan mothers journey and the very centre of my new 9 year web of creation. I’m excited to see how this one unfolds 💫👏👏💚🌱🎩🧰🥰

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