Brandi Untz
2 supporters
How do you write?

How do you write?

Nov 03, 2022

I wish it didn't take so long to write a new blog post.

Do you write? In any form; journal, poetry, short stories, a very passionate product review on that big A website?

I'm always curious about the writing process for people.

For me, with Tara's story, I half-write the next entry in my head before ever sitting down in front of the computer (yep, I write on computer). I usually need the beginning moment to pop in my head. I don't always need to know how it ends, but the big thing I need to know before fingers hit the keyboard is what is the point of this chapter?

Tara's story has an overarching theme. Within the larger theme, though, are the smaller themes. The issues I want to address in my writing. In her story.

The goal of every chapter, every post, is to 1. tell a good story that progresses the overall plot 2. reveal more about Tara or the other characters in the post 3. touch on the overall theme 4. explore a smaller theme/issue.

If I don't have that final point figured out yet, the posts take longer to write. I may know what I want to touch on in the post, but how does it fit into the story? What am I revealing about the character in this post? Where's the story going? Is this authentic to the story, plot, and most importantly, to Tara (or the other characters in the post)?

If something isn't figured out yet, I usually let the post stew in my brain for awhile. On occasion, I go ahead and start writing, and let the questions answer themselves as I write the post. And rewrite it.

So, how do you write, if you write? I'm curious.

That's a little insight into my process. And why these posts take awhile to publish sometimes. The other big hang up is time. I work a full time job, and run the YouTube channel. Oh, yeah, I'm a digital artist, too. I'm working on streamlining all that to be more efficient.

If you haven't read Tara's story yet, here's the story in chronological order (for reading...the story jumps around in time): Proper Reading Order

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