Supposed to be resting

Supposed to be resting

Aug 09, 2022

Because resting cures burnout. Have you heard? The worst lie ever! Okay, it might work for some. I would definitely try it, and not listen to me.

I'm supposed to be sending out a newsletter next week. It depends on how much time I have. I'm looking for people on the autism spectrum to contribute. I'm trying to figure out whether it will be a blog, a piece on medium, or my book.

In the meantime, I've updated:

Writing & Reading Resources

Books Read in 2022 (updated through mid-July).

The Government Wants Me to be Homeless (True) on Medium

Why am I posting this here and not on my website? Good question. I guess it's not working if it's not on my website. LOL. I will probably send some of these links to peeps on the newsletter.

Bye for now. I'm going to TRY to rest after working all day yesterday. My memory is worse than ever. I need SSDI for that. Not Autism.

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