Introducing... Smokebomb Squad Tiers

Introducing... Smokebomb Squad Tiers

Jun 01, 2022

Hey all,

This month has been a good month meeting new subs on NNN and reducing down to three streams a week to make life easier on doing other content. The Smokebomb Store was released at Redbubble with two new merch designs during last month too. So it's been good busy and enjoying the process.

Our newest idea is making the Memembership tiers easier. Smokebomb Squad Tier 1 is $6 on Youtube Membership with a special icon and emjois to play with during the streams. This tier is to help buy new games with. Smokebomb Squad Tier 2 is $20 on Buy me a Coffee. This tier is for the big fans of the channel that want to speed up and help with our PC Build. Being a member also allows you to play with me in any mult player stream instead of special select streams.

I'll let you know of any other ideas that come to mind soon. During the next week I'll be releasing some simple Stream Rules too. For now, have a think about the monthly membership and I'll get back to work.

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