Cinema Recall
12 supporters
Laptop Broke and Thank Yous

Laptop Broke and Thank Yous

Jan 26, 2022

Hello everyone.

Huge thank you to all of you who have donated to this page. Lisa Leaheey of The Sib List, Howard Casner of Pop Art, Jeanette Mickenham of AKA Jeanette, Ryan of Soundtrack Your Life and David Rosen of Peicing it Together. Words can't express how greatful I am for your help.

Recently my laptop crapped out on me and now I cant update the website or edit future episodes to post on our main feeds or Patreon. We plan to still post full episodes on YouTube and record bonus podcast ones via Anchor. Recently the folks over at Shocked and Applaud have offered to help and I couldn't be happier.

Your donations are a huge help in keeping this show going and we promise to not only give you a shout out on social media but we will talk about your show on upcoming episodes.

Thank you

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