Felix Josemon
1,117 supporters
1000 supporters on CLUBHOUSE INVITE? Elo ...

1000 supporters on CLUBHOUSE INVITE? Elon Musk and Vladimir Putin on CLUBHOUSE APP

Feb 17, 2021

When Clubhouse tweeted

On my last update, I shared we crossed 800 supporters and now here we are about to cross 1000 supporters (currently nearing 900 as of writing this) in next few days!

Only a month back (week 7 now), we started this pay it forward train inorder to avoid scammers on the internet. We saved a lot of people from getting scammed on internet or buy invites that are being sold for $1000+ on Ebay.

Ever since Elon Musk, Vladimir Putin and Kanye West (in a few days time) joins, invites will sold for even more and more scams on shady websites, youtube videos and other forums.

I wish everyone took a background check on where they are getting invites from, who they are etc, before falling to these traps or scams. Check twice or thrice whom you are getting invites from, they normally block Innocent people once they get your hard earned money. Don't fall for such traps.

I am glad that we could make the trusted train work. Everyone is super nice and we connected 800+ people from 50+ countries, on all different walks of life. We build a kind community on the Internet.

We all chat on Felix & Coffee friends and onboard everyone as well as introduce ourself every night. Shoutout to Leone, DJ & other supporters for helping me manage this train, couldn't have done it without them.

We got tweeted by Clubhouse Official team! Check here

Medium article for Clubhouse Invite: https://medium.com/@felixjosemon/looking-for-clubhouse-invite-codes-pay-it-forward-clubhouse-community-could-help-you-6ee8036babbf

Don't buy Clubhouse Invites from these sites: https://dev.to/felix_josemon/don-t-buy-clubhouse-invite-codes-from-fake-websites-3kod

To join the train: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/felixbmc

Connect on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/felixjosemon/

Connect on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Felix_Josemon/

See you on the other end:)

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