A box involving encrypted archives, sou ...

A box involving encrypted archives, source code analysis and more

Jan 26, 2021

Cyborg Room


We start with nmap scan

The notes shows us Port 22 / 80 open

For now we use gobuster

We fin that it has revealed /admin and /etc directory

The website look like this

Click on button download to put archive.tar file

shoutbox 'button Admin " where we get some details

Lets visit the /etc directory on the web server

Interesting password and squid.conf files

We use hashcat to crack this password like this (google hashcat format MD5 for help)

hashcat -m 1600 -a 0 hash.txt /home/user/rockyou.txt

We have credentials


For now back to our archive

tar -xvf archive.tar

we can list the repository to verify our findings with

borg list path_to_repo

Browsing into home/alex/Documents we can see a note.txt # alex ssh password

connect to ssh [email protected]

We have done user flag!

Next step Privilege Escalation

Run alex@ubuntu:~$ sudo -l

This allow us to run buckup.sh file as sudo.


Finaly a quick bash -p will prompt us a nice shell with root permissions.

Enjoy hacking ----------------------------

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