A Midwinter Gift for you - Free Nature C ...

A Midwinter Gift for you - Free Nature Connection Resource

Dec 21, 2022

Merry Midwinter!

The shortest day of the year, offers us the opportunity to pause and reflect on our lives. Darkness has peaked and soon the light will return as the wheel of the year turns in it’s never ending cycle. It is easy to get caught in the day to day turnings of life; family, friends, work, shopping, wrapping presents….

I invite you to be like the sun today and take a moment to pause:

·       Are you living your true creative path? Whatever form that might take.

·       What direction in life do you feel pulled towards? Your loves, dreams, passions, connections...

·       What steps could you take to move towards these?

Spend some time connection with nature, ask these questions and notice any feelings or synchronicities.

Feeling connected to the rest of nature is a blessing that will support you through all aspects of life. It might even save your life, like it saved mine (that’s a very LOOOOONG story!).

This festive season I’d like to offer you a gift – a free ‘Nature Connection through the Year’ resource to deepen your relationship with nature.

A monthly guide with ideas and inspiration for connection and an exploration of the folklore, uses and signatures of native trees inspired by the Ogham.

Download it now from my ’Extras’ page – https://www.buymeacoffee.com/forestschoollou/e/107368

Thank you for your support in 2022 and look forward to continued connections into the future.

Wishing you many wild wintery adventures this festive season!

Lou (& Lily-Roe)


P.S. Here is a Merry Midwinter message from Lily-Roe and Me - https://youtu.be/fGwM0RS1gC4  

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