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Essay "Children's games"

Essay "Children's games"

Mar 21, 2021

Key points presented in the texts appertain to leisure habits of modern children versus the ones of the previous generations. Similar in views, both passages explore the subject from different angles, where the first passage expands on deeply entrenched ideas about the games of the past and the present accordingly; and the second one – on the reasons lying behind the changes in these games.

Contributed by ever-developing technological advances, a commonplace idleness of young people is what oftentimes gets severely criticized by people far over their age. The older generation, as the author puts it, keeps clinging on to the belief that modern children have lost an ability to self-amuse and simply play, which runs counter to their perception of what a “normal” childhood is supposed to be like. Convinced that such indolence comes as a natural reluctance to be creative and enthusiastic about games, adults do not always understand that supplying pocket money and allowing toys of all kinds render their offspring so.

The author of the second text is speculating on why the games appealing to the older generation is of no longer interest for youngsters of the present. The reasons attributable to this shift in preferences may be considered in environmental or social terms. As the time goes by and conditions we live in change, it is inevitable that games are getting adjusted in a more appropriate and practicable way. So, however strong the traditions are, children’s play will likely to keep transforming with the passage of time.

In my opinion, both authors have valid points on the subject. Play interests is just one of many things that rarely overlaps with those of the adults. We may like it or not, but the rejection of brand new recreation habits is ridiculous and unreasonable, to say the least. Instead of lecturing the little ones on what games are right or wrong, we can have them follow suit by showing how much fun we can get outside the mobile phones or other cutting-edge gadgets.

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