Phishing Gifts

Mar 23, 2021

Holiday shopping! Many of us shop online for holiday gifts, this is especially so this year due to COVID-19. Cyber criminals know that much of the world is operating online this year and have already begun to increase the rate of their attacks. As described in the article by ThreatPost: Smishing scams alone have skyrocketed from merely 2% to a whopping 13% in 2020 alone! That is only a single form of phishing!

This is all the more reason to be on high alert during the holiday season as legitimate businesses send out seasonal discounts and deals. Keep an eye out for that one message or call that stands out for being "phishy"! This article is a brief 4 minute read out of your day that could save you a world of trouble by recognizing the signs of the most common phishing scams.

On that note, I wish you all a safe and secure Holiday season!

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