13 supporters
Updates on Production

Updates on Production

Jun 24, 2022

Hey guys!

Thanks to your donations, I can officially start moving forward with the production of our first product: the Happiness Over Everything scented candles!!

Our soy-wax scented candles will be hand crafted with premium fresh, all-natural ingredients and will be custom designed with your health and wellness in mind.

There will be a total of 3 candles to start, with each candle targeting a different health benefit.

  • One of the candles will be designed for peace and relaxation.

  • Another will be designed to brighten and uplift.

  • The last will be designed to alert and energize.

As we move throughout the creation process, I will keep you guys posted the entire time until we have a finished product available for sale.

I'm so excited, I can't wait to get started!

Thank you guys for your support!

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