Liz Riffle
41 supporters
Quick Update and exciting things

Quick Update and exciting things

Dec 06, 2022

Just a quick note to let you all know that new stuff will be up tomorrow on my patreon...that's another chapter of my book, and 3 installments of the d&d after dark story. As well as a new feature: bedtime stories... I will be reading from a randomly selected piece of erotic fiction. There will be a couple of other cool tiers being added as well so make sure to check it out Thursday.

I'm the textbook case of a starving artist so if you're looking for a worthy cause to support, look no further! You will have an ongoing supply of entertainment and my eternal gratitude! And if you just want to support me once in awhile you can donate through PayPal at wrknggrl22 at or I can always use coffee!

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