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Love Messages

Love Messages

Mar 10, 2022

Water Signs:

  • You may not always understand why certain things happen, however there is always a higher purpose to the events in your life. Through turmoil, a blessing will soon be revealed.

  • Friendship: Nurture the bonds of friendship within your relationship and your love life will dramatically improve.

  • Reflection: Give each other some space at the moment. Trust and have faith that all will work out for the best.

  • Manifesting Miracles: Your dream is soon to become reality. Trust your heart and continue to follow its guidance.

    Fire Signs:

  • Power: You instinctively know what is right for you and you have the power to say no or to walk away at any time.

  • Wait!: Don't rush into it. Allow nature to take its course.

  • When you pass from this world you take nothing with you but your soul and the memories you have shared with those you love. Focus on what's important.

  • Imagine all unwanted thoughts dissolving into light, creating room for new opportunities and possibilities for your life.

Earth Signs:

  • Twin Flames: Your passion ignites! (Be careful with those Twin Flames- Love Juu)

  • My Beloved: Though we may be physically apart, spiritually we are always united, for love transcends space and time. Nothing is missing.

  • If you could do anything what would it be? The answer dwells in your heart , not in your mind, for the heart is the gateway to the soul.

  • When it comes to matters of the heart, there is no right or wrong. Every choice you make expands your understanding of life and love.

Air Signs:

  • Acceptance is the key to inner peace. At times, we must accept things as they are. There is no point trying to change that which is beyond our control. Go with the flow.

  • Healing: Imagine yourself and your beloved surrounded by light. Feel your relationship being healed this very moment.

  • Let there be closeness between you, but always give each other space. Love never claims, it simply allows and gives.

  • Look deep within your heart and you will feel my love. My love for you is as deep as the ocean.

Apply this to your Sun, Moon, and Rising. If you don't know your BIG 3 let me know and I'll help you find out.

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