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131 Journal Prompts - For Self Reflectio ...

131 Journal Prompts - For Self Reflection

Nov 24, 2021

The 131 journal prompts contained within this journal are a way for you to reflect on things in your life that could lead to thoughts that might not have otherwise been born. It is a way to learn how you feel about yourself, why you say what you do, or do what you do, and to trust your own opinion over how others might feel about you. We know from scientific research that the act of journaling brings a greater sense of optimism and gratitude to our lives, which in turn boosts overall wellbeing. This journal offers a structured approach to the practice of getting to know yourself. This journal has been created for you to skip ahead to which every question resonates with your journey. Enjoy it at your own pace. Self-reflection isn't just about the difficult stuff. The practice of positive self-reflection is just as important to inspire hope and joy. This ebook is fillable online or feel free to print as you wish. The book size is A5.

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