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Our recent visit to Salinas - Newsletter ...

Our recent visit to Salinas - Newsletter

Nov 30, 2021

Because life is indeed our classroom , travel is one of the most powerful tool of learning , getting a hands on first experience of life . There are so many ways and types of travel which can go from luxurious to affordable , to appease the curiosity , to try different foods , to immerse with culture , to de stress and relax , to tick off a bucket list goal and many others . What is important tot note is what the “ intention “ is behind the travel .. 

Sometimes , we have to push ourselves to even move around within our own city/state or perhaps just our neighborhood. There are so many history and treasures to be found everywhere .

This is a story about our recent trip up north . My husband wanted to visit and check out “ The Steinbeck House “ , a Victorian house built in 1897  was the birthplace and boyhood home of author and novelist John Steinbeck who’s family  moved into this home in 1900.

This was then purchased and renovated by the Valley Guild , composed of 8 enthusiastic women who shared common interest in gourmet cooking and wanted to showcase the Salinas Valley Produce.It was then opened to the public in Feb 27,1974 ( 72nd anniversary of John Steinbeck’s birth ) . To read more about this , click here : https://steinbeckhouse.com/about-us/

As for our visit , we found out that they were close on that very day ( Sunday ) so the most that we can do is look around it’s vicinity and appreciate the outside ambiance . I later on found out that they also have tea time in here … 

Moral lesson ? Prepare and read more about the area of interest before making plans ..😆🤭😆… Well ? This is an experience in itself so we will be better prepared next time 🥰.

As for John Steinbeck , I first heard about him from my daughter who’s  book “ Of Mice and Men “ was a part of their studies in school followed by watching a movie made in 1992 of the same title . This is available on Netflix in case you are curious 🧐. To know more about his life , click this link : https://steinbeckhouse.com/about-us/about-john-steinbeck/

As an immigrant here in the US , I find it interesting now at my age ( 50 and fab🥰) to start learning about  history . I wasn’t much of a reader growing up but my husband’s influence as well as his flare for movies are things that I accept as my “ mirror “ work in areas of my life that is expanding … ..

I AM starting to enjoy going on trips these days mostly because of what I can learn or experience and this is my first share . I look forward to share many many more in the coming months and years ahead …  

This platform is something that I enjoy sharing my mini thoughts and experience  as I continue to open myself up with some inner guidance on where to fully show up . For now , it’s time to log off ..

With Much Love & Light ,

Antonette xoxo 

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