Exploring Streams in Flutter Web

Exploring Streams in Flutter Web

Aug 23, 2020

View the demo here

Website: https://fir-signin-4477d.firebaseapp.com/#/

We will cover briefly about

  1. Streams inside Forms

  2. Using Flutter Hooks

There are 3 input fields used here

Each field uses its own stream transformer for validations.

Production Tips :

  1. Use initialData for streams, they are useful, to begin with, some data.

  2. Use tryParse for validations (int or double)

  3. Combine the transformers as a Factory, and expose a single class. Link here.

Website: https://flatteredwithflutter.com/flutter-web-and-streams/

DevTo: https://dev.to/aseemwangoo/flutter-web-and-streams-56b7

Medium: https://medium.com/@aseemwangoo/flutter-web-and-streams-e3b2d14432b6

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