What I Understood From Bible | Genesis 1 ...

What I Understood From Bible | Genesis 1:27 | God Created Mankind In His Own Image

Jul 15, 2022

Genesis 1:27

God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male & female he created them.

In God's creation do you know what is best?

The mankind!

Because man understands everything. He is clever and smart. God has made the mankind ruler over everything in this world. Hence God gives most of his priority to us. He lives in us. He saves others through us. He has given us a voice to speak the truth and he has given us hands to make everything beautiful the way God always wants.

In realty, we now don't love to live any longer here. We say the planet is been destroyed and we need to find out another earth. Yes, we may have a colony in another world but not in the present years. In future we may leave this home!

Think a little, God chose the earth for us instead of others. He made it suitable and proper for us in the beginning before he even created us.

He created us in his image. He didn't give another look but he stored the knowledge and wisdom in our brains. So that we will take care of his creation.

He is the alpha and omega, I have told it before in my other posts also; you can check them out here!

He does know the future and its ending moment too. So God created water for the mankind to use it and have it for our drinking.

He put precious metals in the land and made oils for our future use from the beginning, before he even created the mankind. He didn't take an hour time to think about it. He had it already in him as everything for us.

What I think is that God just opened store-rooms from his body and then they just came out and appeared as God spoke.

Words are with the God we know it.

Bible also says God knows what we need actually and before we asks he gives us. He goes before us and fight on our behalf.

Another verse also says, if we ask according to his will he will surely do that thing for us! It means if it is good for us God will do it and give.

God can't approve bad things for us!

In this verse we read God created us in his own image. Here image doesn't mean that it is only a picture but it also talks about characteristics, behavior, kindness, love and forgiveness.

We see God gives us unconditionally, he loves us with no limit and he forgives us even after our millions of wrongs. He is very kind. He is the love and truth.

What about the man?

Not all and always but still we see man forgives, love and gives to needy. Good things in man is done by the spirit of the God.

God never does bad but that is evil and we have to identify that spirit and we need to kick him out of this body!

When you feel nothing is happening good, yet have faith in God that he is working on your behalf and turning situation around. You are seeing it bad because you expect so much in your small mind. Faith says receive before you see them manifest and be thankful for what you have already.

God works his ways, not the way we ask him to do. He is the God of impossible. So he makes that situation impossible until you don't surrender to him completely.

Let go and let God!

There are some formulas to experience God's spirit working in you. First of all you need to come to him.

  • Pray

  • Ask for forgiveness

  • Repent

  • Do only good

  • Give to needy

  • Love all

  • Expect nothing from any human being

  • Quit to figure out God's works

  • Trust his will

  • Follow his leads

  • Read Bible

  • Forgive all

  • Be kind and humble

  • Don't be over smart

  • Decree and declare your victory

  • Give thanks to God

  • Glorify the God

  • Honor your father and mother

  • Do no sin

  • Don't be adulteries

  • Don't worship idols

  • Have faith and don't trust in other things like magic, law of attraction and rituals

God created us in his own image and the above things you will find in Jesus Christ, son of the Lord God. He too wants us to do good things only. So that we will be blessed!

Thank you so much. If this post has inspired you, buy a coffee for me!

God bless you!

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