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Bullet-Ridden Sign From The Universe

Bullet-Ridden Sign From The Universe

Jul 31, 2022

Yesterday I was looking at a bullet-ridden sign and said I hoped to be struck by lightning. I said it as a joke because I saw the horizon preparing for the first lightning storm of the year:

This comment was followed by the appearance of a large (and loud) rattlesnake:

Today I went to two places. At each, someone "just happened" to block my door the instant I approach my vehicle: the first was a car weirdly backing in slowly, seemingly dragging the process out, and the second was a shopper that parked his shopping cart against my door.

I'm starting to take these as "signs" if not a warning to avoid a certain path or door.

Tim Ozman,

IPR, Host

New Design based on that snake: https://www.bonfire.com/ips-2/

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