The Gravel Ride
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The Ridership Slack Forum - Join me!

The Ridership Slack Forum - Join me!

Nov 05, 2020

The Gravel Cycling Community has always been a huge source of inspiration and information for me. This has been highlighted during my recent (temporary) relocation to Topanga where local riders have helped me quickly get up to speed on new routes and adventures.

To help cultivate this community and to create a searchable resource, I've teamed up with Randall from Thesis Bike to create The Ridership on Slack. If you haven't used Slack, it is an incredible communication tool that allows us to create 'channels' of interest to thread conversations.

Our hope is that wherever you go in the world or whatever gear you are researching, the forum will be a resource for you.

Please join us and contribute to the community-based effort!

I look forward to seeing you on Slack!


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