Dec 31, 2022


So we're all sound checked and ready for tonight, traditionally the most important night of the year. We're really pleased we'll be in Spoons and honoured that it's been fully booked since early December! ( even if that's got nothing to do with us we're claiming it, lol;-) ). We all feel as though Spoons has become a spiritual home to us, a Big Easy MkII and we hope to be there for a good while yet. Seeing the bar full or nearly full, even in the quiet periods has been very humbling and we all thank you for being there to support us. Without you, well, you know the rest.

Our past is well documented. Having just secured a long term agreement and financial stability at The Big Easy Covid arrived, changing everything and we've been hanging on ever since, taking any gigs we could find either with CJ or without. Needs must. We obviously took a 'break' from 5 days at Cafe la Ola only to return to one afternoon session... then two... then... we are where we are. To be honest we're happy enough where we are right now, Cafe la Ola 5.30-7.30 ( Mon & Thur ) plus Spoons 9-11pm ( Wed & alternate Sat ). Just a note to say that we start tonight at the later time of 10pm finishing at 1am.

So this year has been quite tough as we still try and dig our way out of the fall out from Covid. I've heard, but not confirmed yet, that Gran Canaria has gone to Level 2. It's not going away is it? It can be liveable with though and that's all we want. Logistically speaking lugging all that gear around is the most demanding side to keeping CJ up and running. None of us are getting any younger and although some kind of residency would be a preference those opportunities rarely come around so here we are, in limbo. There's also quite a bit of uncertainty regards next year. Thankfully bookings seem to have been encouraging for 2023 so let's all hope those who do make it over have a few Euros in their pocket to help the local economy. We'll see what happens after tonight and beyond.

Once again thank you for your continued support. We'll be streaming tonight and every Wednesday for the foreseeable so make sure to tune in and of course contribute here when you can. Every little helps as the streams do cost us. Oh and one last little piece of Good News for you Drive Through Fans. Thanks to the lovely Sue Hawley's Christmas Giveaway I've been handed a brand new mount for my lovely new ( for me at least and not really mine, it's the banks, lol;-) ) CAR!!! Which means the Drive Through's will continue as and when I'm near PDC... once I remember to hook it up of course!

Ok, that's all for 2022 folks! Happy New Year from all of us and please remember to raise a glass with us from 10pm this evening GMT wherever you are!


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