Dress For Success on New Years Day

Dress For Success on New Years Day

Dec 31, 2020

Happy New Years Eve everyone! In honor of New Years I thought I would share a few fun tips to help attract success to you on New Years!

  1. Don't wear torn or faded clothing as this is a sign of lack , and considered bad luck. I know ladies the cut or ripped jeans look is hot , but it is considered bad luck in Feng Shui. So maybe hold off on new years day and save them for another day.

  2. And metlic colors like silver or gold to attract wealth. Accerories can be a fun way to do this ! Go ahead add a little bling

  3. Black or dark purple colors are said to be good for business, and creativity.

  4. Add a dash of pink if you want to attract love!

  5. Keep it neat, having a neat appearance is said to cut down on stressful or kaiotic situations.

    Hope you enjoyed these fun New Years tips , I personally have a black and red outfit picked out. It's comfy and makes me feel sexy ! I would love to hear what Your Dress plans are

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