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oc toyhouse icons

oc toyhouse icons

Jan 09, 2021

=== I'm gonna be streaming tonight at 7PM GMT! This is your first warning 😂 ===

hey everyone! I've been slowly working on some digital tabletop goodies to release soon that are kind of more my aesthetic - a tournament board, some token frames, etc. - so I'll make a separate post about those when they're finished and live.

I mostly wanted to give people some notice before I stream this time (a lot of the time because I'm so busy it's quite an impulsive decision...), but also share with you the little simplistic icons I've made for my Toyhouse character library. Ideally I'd love to do full-fledged headshots of everyone in a consistent style, but given that I have a whopping 28 OCs (and growing...), I had to opt for something a lot simpler.

I'm not super satisfied with these, but they'll do for now! Here's Remy, Geriel, Faolain and my Exarch, as some of the ones I liked better. ❤️

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