Happy 2020

Jan 20, 2020

新的一年,新的開始。去年,由於您,我的頻道發展迅速。30,000 訂閱, 我現在花更多的錢來裝備更好的設備。我還計劃製造更多有關本地活動的視頻。去年,我在當地的自助餐上花了大約15000 HKD。最重要的是, 我擁有像你這樣的忠實觀眾。祝大家新年快樂,未來一年愉快。一起吃喝玩樂 🤣🤣🤣

A new year, a new start. My channel is growing fast last year because of you. I am now spending more money to purchase better equipments. I am also planning to get some more videos on local activities. Last year, I spend about 15000 HKD on just local buffet. However, that is just a small effort while I am having loyal audiences like you. I wish you all happy new year and a gear year ahead! 

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