3 sostenitori
[🎫] Membership Details :: Lapis Lazuli

[🎫] Membership Details :: Lapis Lazuli

May 30, 2021

On the 8th of the month you get the exclusive ✨ hi-resolution version of a stosna drawing: 300pdi and with approx. 2000-4000px in size (meaning you can print them for personal use)! Can be the poll winner image or another one. I also might include additional exclusive info about the drawing!

There are more possible rewards for this membership that won't be available every month! It depends on what I have to show ^^

Early Access for written chapters: Whenever one is ready you get to read them first via google docs! They don't come out monthly though! It's a 3-5 months rhythm!

Manga WIPs: The manga has not startet yet! But then you'll see the WIPs at least 1 day early and some will even be exclusive!

Early Access for short comics: From time to time I'll draw short comics, e.g. 4-panels or similar short comics with very few pages. Not related to the canon story and just as funny extra and for practise. Whenever one is ready you get to see them first!

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