Your Daily Affirmation

Your Daily Affirmation

Sep 18, 2021

Hello beautiful soul 🙏🏼 Check out your daily affirmation for today below

"When it's a yes, nothing can stop me. When I'm unsure, it's always a no"

When apprehension is acknowledged and this back and forth movement accurs, it can feel nearly impossible to make decisive, empowering choices. As you acknowledge this feeling, recognize this as your heart trying to warn you of an old pattern you're about to repeat.

If you find yourself about to repeat an old pattern that doesn't serve you and you feel the resistance, trust that this is your intuition trying to tell you no. When something is right for you, your intuition will not cause hesitation within you!

Use this mantra throughout today, either out loud or in your mind so you can regain back control and to trust your intuition to guide you in the right direction 🔮

Until tomorrow mornings mantra

Love and light

Lu x

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