Chad Ohman
155 supporters
30 $5 Timmies Cards to the RAH ICU

30 $5 Timmies Cards to the RAH ICU

Oct 01, 2021

$150/$1274.06 Gifted

They said to say thank you.

Inside the ICU the lights were dimmed. A gentle whir/hiss pulsed from the rooms I walked past. The glow of monitors with vitals in red and white shone on the walls across the hall. While I didn't gawk, the rooms I walked past were full, some with two patients inside.

I ran into a nurse in between pods who of course wondered why a plain clothes man was walking through his unit at midnight. I explained the papers in my hand, his face lit up. Lead me to the desk and I explained what we did last weekend.

They were pretty surprised, all three of them there were visibly energized by the gift. When I mentioned @PopAlberta, they immediately knew and praised the team. We talked for a few more minutes and then I went on my way. We're doing a great thing. Tomorrow night is the UAH ICU.

I've decided I'll keep up this effort until the funds dry up. The light in their eyes tonight told me this is all too important. They're emptying their cups to fill others, we need to refill theirs.

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