Sandip Das
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Ansible Course for Beginners - Learn Ans ...

Ansible Course for Beginners - Learn Ansible in 1 Hour

Nov 11, 2021

Ansible Course for Beginners - Learn Ansible in 1 Hour | Ansible Full Course for Beginners | Ansible Ad-hoc Commands | Ansible Playbook | Ansible Role | Ansible Vault | Ansible Explained For beginners

The goal of this course is to simplify Ansible for others 😇


What is Ansible?

What is Configuration Management?

How Ansible Works?

Ansible Concepts

Ansible Controller Node Setup

Managing Managed Node via Inventory

Ansible Modules

Executing Single Tasks Via Ad-hoc Commands

Ansible Playbook

Ansible Playbook Variables

Ansible Playbook Tasks

Ansible Playbook Handlers

Ansible Playbook Roles

Running Ansible Playbook and target new EC2 instance host

Ansible Vault

Ansible Galaxy

Ansible delivers simple IT automation that ends repetitive tasks and frees up DevOps teams for more strategic work.

It automates configuration management, cloud provisioning, application deployment, intra-service orchestration, and many other IT needs.

When Ansible is used as a configuration management tool, it is used to store the current state of our systems and help us to maintain that state, it make changes and deployments faster, removing the potential for human error while making system management predictable and scalable.

In this tutorial, you will learn in-depth about what is Ansible, the important commands we use daily, how to write an Ansible Playbook, how to write Ansible Roles, how to secure or encrypt Ansible Playbooks, and much more

#ansible #configurationascode #devops #learnwithsandip

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