Work and Finance in 2022 General Reading ...

Work and Finance in 2022 General Reading - B

Jan 03, 2022

選了A組的朋友,如果在過去有做過任何魯莽或衝動的決定而令你難過,宇宙希望你能原諒自己,並在迎接 2022 年之前釋放你的控制欲和佔有欲。於工作和財務方面,宇宙建議你要盡量抱持開放的態度,並能夠認真去坐言起行。你可能在腦海中已經製定了一些計劃很長一段時間,但不知道應如何以及從哪裡開始。又或者是因為,你害怕如果那些計劃沒有按你希望的模樣進行而失敗,所以不敢開始。


"Answer The Call - What is your soul calling you to do?"



My dear pile A, the Universe hopes you could forgive yourselves if there was any reckless or impulsive decisions made in the past that were regretful, and release your controlling, possessive traits before you welcome 2022 in. It is wise to be more open and take real action for your Work & Finance aspects. You might be having a plan in your head for a long time but do not know how and where to start, or you were too fearful about failing it if the plan does not work out as you want it to be.

Luck is on your side my dear pile A. You have the ability to surf with the waves, as long as you believe in yourselves.

"Answer The Call - What is your soul calling you to do?"

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