KISMET Sniffer: Automated BLE/WiFi/SDR A ...

KISMET Sniffer: Automated BLE/WiFi/SDR Analysis (+ Locate Devices By Signal Strength)

Nov 22, 2021

You can use an Alfa wireless card or similar KISMET compatible card on any Linux device (including Pinephone - unfortunately build in Pinephone wifi is not compatible with KISMET.

One of my all time favorite tools I wanted to share with you guys including a how to set it up beforehand.

You can learn much with KISMET, about relationships/stats on various types of devices and networks in your local vicinity (house/property). Devices you had no idea existed!

One individual was able to catch his power company cheating him using SDR... did I say smartmeter? Oh yes, it reads smartmeter's and other radio protocol!

Ever curious about planes flying overhead? KISMET's got that too! Map & Track Flights, and more!

It sniffs all the things: Bluetooth, WiFi, SDR... And is both customizable and completely automated!

I cover using it to track down (unknown?) wireless devices by using their signal strength, and a directional antenna (future video on it?)

Let me know what you think! Thanks for being part of the community! :)

[may add more to this post later but wanted to share the video with you guys]

Comments/Questions welcome.

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πŸ’» Coreboot Laptop (16GB RAM) - KISMET compatible open source WiFi
πŸ’» Coreboot Laptop (8GB RAM) - KISMET compatible open source WiFi
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