My Weather Records Computer Setup

My Weather Records Computer Setup

Jul 02, 2023

I run all my weather records on my home computer.

My home system has:

  • Intel Core i5-9400 6-core CPU.

  • 16G of RAM.

  • Linux Mint v21.1.

  • An older 2T Intel NVMe Drive (very slow by today's standards).

  • Two 32 inch 4k screens.

  • 100M home internet service.

  • A handful of local backup disks.

  • Some offsite backup.

I download data in real time from Environment Canada using their AMQP service ( I download about 7 to 10 files per second on average (24x7). I also run my weather scripts that check for about 3000 different possible weather records approximately once per hour for each of the 30 cities that I cover across Canada.

For records that pass my verification checks, they get posted by bots out to Reddit, Twitter, and Mastodon.

Most of my software is written in Python. I have just over 50,000 lines of Python code to handle this weather data.

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