From the Desk of Roanna #78

From the Desk of Roanna #78

Sep 12, 2022

Dear friend,

Hello 🍓

“No one is you, and that is your power.”

Now ain’t that a thing?! *trills*

This power can be overwhelming, intoxicating, inspiring, or crippling based on how you see it. How you feel it. The seasons of Life that made you. That broke you. That continue to make and break you. All of it is valid, sticky as it may be. What do you do with things, sometimes? Where is the remedy? What is the point? Where are you now? What does any of it matter?

Riddling stuff. Again, and again.

None of us know the things. Right or wrong. Good and healthy. Strange and extreme but some of us yet show up, every day, like baby birds, trying to get the worm. My head is cloudy, shifty, like a ‘bright white sky’ day. Expansive, wide, wispy. Floaty and pleasantly goo.

Good energy came my way. I tapped into it. I managed to get back two nights of missed sleep. I don’t know if that is it. It could be. Usually, I’ve noticed when I sleep in and awaken past a reasonable hour (by normal standards), my head feels funky. Thick. I am not in the greatest frame of mind. I am easily irritable and might even feel hateful towards myself. This is a different time.

And I sing for it! I trill too!

Why must we shy away from ‘celebrating’ not feeling blue?

I have some ‘Rose-doms’ from my journal pages for you.

... it’s about ...

• Celebrating the ‘Daily Do’ - Not doo-doo 😅 but honestly, it can be that too. Do the ’doo! I am talking about your things. Self-care things. Rituals. Tactile chores. This and that that are true.

• Finding love in the hullabaloo

Everyday elixirs - What are the things that soothe, revive, restore, and ground you?

• Growing through curiosity, remembering to apply a compassionate lens to that which you seek (or speak)

• The questions you ask and answers you seek (and/or receive)

• Expansiveness - Tapping into it. Diving in. Seeing it as a gift. Accepting the uplift.

• Regulation - How do you ground in high states? When you’re low? What works for ya? What do you know?

Libran energies to save the day... Face the day too!

I raise my Piscean goblet of warbled water to ya,


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