From the Desk of Roanna #91

From the Desk of Roanna #91

Sep 25, 2022

Dear friend,


Libran energy is coming in big with this New Moon.

Over the past night and this morning, insights aplenty have sashayed their way into my consciousness. Themes and things I hadn’t considered heavily until reaching here, before.


My conflict resolution skills, as I move forward in life, in terms of connecting, relating and such, are something I am looking into. Aggro energy and confrontational vibes turn me into an angry little mouse!!!! First of all, I can’t deal, and second of all, why you gotta make me feel like this?! 😓 It has been realisation after realisation after realisation for a while now. And I am so grateful.

Confrontation is not my strong suit.

Questioning things with compassionate curiosity is. That is not the point, though. The point is recognising that my anger, that bristling, is necessary and telling... When lines are crossed, when my limits are tested. The point is also not reaching those high points of volatility each time. Which means balance is key. Communicating your boundaries is key.

It is also not about the other person as much at it is about yourself. Do you trust your judgement? How do you feel? How can you work with your instincts whilst not keeping yourself away from positive progress?

Much to consider. Right, right, right.


My South Node is in Libra, and it came to my notice - this morning, incidentally - that a lot of themes in my life are to do with ‘getting comfortable with being uncomfortable.’

Libra is an Air sign that values balance, beauty, fairness and truth. I can say that sometimes this plays to their detriment in terms of their diplomacy factor. It is not ugliness they abhor, but it is peace Libra likes to see restored. Life doesn’t work that way, a lot of the time. Justice doesn’t come in for everyone, hard as it is to say.

It is not easy to wrap up all agreements and scuffles with peace in our hearts, do them up in a pretty pink ribbon to file away. I mean, that is something we can choose to do for ourselves with our matters, our ways of handling things. When the equation involves the Other, and it often does, the ones with whom you are in communion might require more. The paperwork won’t be easy - things get chaotic and messy. Especially when Hearts are not in the right place, when Hard Ego comes out to play.

Whilst yet considering the Libra point of view, I recognise that things can look and seem good on paper but that hardly means that they will be good for or work for you. Do they align with you or fit you, regarding where you are meant to tread? is a question I’d now consider. Nuance is the trick!!!!

I’ll say more, soon.

In the meanwhile...

Happy New Moon in Libra!

Libran energies to restore you,


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