From the Desk of Roanna #94

From the Desk of Roanna #94

Sep 28, 2022

Dear friend,

Hello 🌒

The Moon is in Scorpio, and some nice, grounding salty tears found their way onto my face, minutes past (whilst writing this draft).

I thought about how wonderful it is to be where I am at, presently, emotionally, and equally, how lonely that ‘journey’ can feel. It’s the ‘not getting to share this stuff with a lot of people - familiars or otherwise’ that does me in, sometimes. It usually doesn’t bother me. Hermit mode is sacred, I revere it with my Heart. When my energy wanes, when I’m beat... Thoughts creep in. ‘I wish I could share this with someone.’ ‘Do I have anyone in my corner?’ It gets me in my feels, but then it also makes me ponder and articulate that I have travelled far... And in these moments, I feel better. The inclination to lament the destination or journey almost nary comes.

The Tears appeared because in thinking about myself, I called to mind how others feel dejected, similarly... How much of it stems from reasoning that you don’t fit in anywhere, and ergo, you must be a waste of space.


I agree that it isn’t difficult to get swept up in a troubling thought and get lost in its throes. Whether or not anyone ‘gets’ who you are, what you do, where you’re going, how you operate and make your moves - first off, it doesn’t matter. I know, easy to state. But think about it! Each of us came to Earth, miraculously so, and our journeys are vastly different from the next. We are mentored and shaped by our experiences, and when in awareness, we allow ourselves to be tempered by the Times. A thing of beauty! How dare anybody decide to ‘take’ from you with their swords and words? You remember that, ok!

There is something I’d like to offer you, dear Reader, about myself... I am not about fortune-telling, as much as I am about ‘self-care sharing’! I will uphold it for times to come. My self-care practice saved me, it restored me... I thank and bless it, every day, through my Life, through these breaths.

Journal prompt: “In a bid to stay relevant, we often lose the plot.”

Festina Lente 💫

P.S. I know what’s on my mind but do you know it too?! 😓

You will survive,


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