Remote Working Considerations for Busine ...

Remote Working Considerations for Businesses

Apr 25, 2022

Remote work arrangements have become much more common after the pandemic. Covid-19 forced businesses to put processes in place so office workers could work remotely. Many companies have chosen to continue to offer remote working arrangements to employees after seeing the benefits of reduced overheads and a more flexible employee work-life balance. There are however some key areas businesses need to consider when allowing remote working arrangements.

Technology and IT support

The majority of remote workers use laptops or desktop computers to do their work from home. Businesses that allow remote working should provide adequate technology and accessible IT support to employees. Poor performing laptops or old technology can hinder productivity. Providing sufficient equipment should be a business priority. Remote workers will not be able to visit the IT team frequently if they have issues with their laptops; therefore, the company should provide computer equipment that is less likely to need frequent repairs. 

IT support can also be an issue with remote workers. If something goes wrong, employees may need access to a professional that can help fix the problem. Installing software on employees' machines that allow IT professionals to remotely access their computers can help prevent employees from missing out on work if their computer has a fault. 

Productivity and preference

Many workers will find they are more productive when working remotely; however, this isn’t always the case. Some employees may live in busy households where they struggle to concentrate or don't have the room to set up a home office. Businesses must understand if their employees wish to work from home or would prefer to continue working in the office. It may reduce a business's overheads if the office is closed completely, but employees may not welcome this change and look for other opportunities. Companies should always consult members of staff before changing their working arrangements.

Business phone systems

Employees who work from home will still need to communicate with clients, customers, and colleagues regularly. Companies offering remote work should opt for cloud telephone systems that employees can access remotely. Cloud-based phone systems don’t require a phone line and can be accessed anywhere with just an internet connection. Cloud phone systems can provide employees with video conferencing, chat functions, and integration with critical customer relationship management systems. Traditional telephone systems use phone lines to provide the necessary service, making them suitable for fixed office locations.

Security and safety

Remote workers can be more challenging to manage when it comes to the security and safety of the information and data they can access. Employers need to train employees and provide suitable programmes to help avoid data losses and prevent security breaches. Businesses can implement policies to enable employees to understand the best way to keep data safe whilst working from home or in a remote location. Access levels can also be restricted for some remote workers if there are concerns about the security of sensitive information. Businesses can also require employees to login into a virtual private network to help secure remote access to files and documents held on the business servers. If document transfer between employees is expected, a business can specify the rules and programmes that need to be used to safely and securely send documents.

Work from home policy

Managing a large team of remote workers can be difficult. If they are the type of employees who need constant supervision, remote working might not suit them. The business should decide if they wish to implement a working from home policy, this could include set working hours, permitted breaks, or it could be completely flexible. Every business is different, and there is no one-size-fits-all policy. Some companies may prefer regular communication and keep in touchpoints, and other companies could be pleased with employees managing their workload and working hours. Some good general pointers to include in working from home policies are things to keep employees happy and healthy, advice on the best place to sit, taking regular breaks, and looking away from the screen periodically to prevent eye strain. Emergency contact details could also be included in the working from home policy so employees can get in touch if an emergency needs immediate attention.


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