Parallel worlds invisible to human eyes.

Parallel worlds invisible to human eyes.

Jun 13, 2021

There are parallel worlds that are invisible to human eyes and that wait for each one of us after disincarnating. These worlds represent our true homes, places from which we came and to which we will return after completing our evolutionary experience in matter, which we proposed. These worlds obey different levels of vibration and, therefore, the greater the vibration of a person, conquered in an incarnation, the greater the possibility that he will be taken to higher instances, where peace and unconditional love reign and are lived more intensely . Each person while incarnated should have as their main concern their vibrational elevation through the practice of goodness, acts of solidarity and love for others, which also includes respect for nature, so that when they return to the spiritual world they can enjoy these prerogatives existing in these upper worlds. Let's join hands so that together we can contribute, through each one's example, to the transformation and vibratory elevation of the consciousness of all incarnated, so that even on this blessed planet we can live times of greater inner peace and prepare ourselves better for the life to come in the spirit world.

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