The Identity Shift that Sparks the Creat ...

The Identity Shift that Sparks the Creation of a Different Life

Sep 28, 2023

The Diary of a Digital Nomad's Life
Entry #2

It happens in the mind first

The Power of You - Embodying the "who" that you want to be:

"Am I destined to a '9 to 5' for the next few decades of my life or do I want to experience a different reality?" This is a question that many digital nomads have asked themselves before embodying an identity that allows them to create the lifestyle they desire and transition to making the world their office. If you feel that the experience of having a digital nomad lifestyle or some other lifestyle is for you, you may need to go beyond who you are at the current moment to achieve the lifestyle you desire. By "going beyond who you are", I mean going beyond your current identity. Why? Your current life and lifestyle choices are influenced by who you are. The "Who" that "You Are" is influenced by your beliefs, and your beliefs influence your actions (or lack thereof), and then your actions determine your lifestyle. To be a digital nomad, you need to embody the identity of a digital nomad - it happens in the mind first - and then in reality.

Are you ready to experience a different reality from the one you're experiencing now? If so, here are some concepts you may want to consider when breaking free of your current reality and way of life:

  • 1- Going beyond your current identity

  • 2 - Creating a different identity

  • 3 - Staying within and maintaining the new identity you've created

The Art of Identity Shifting

Going beyond your current identity is something to consider if you want to change your reality. To change your reality, you need to take action, but is that enough? What influences the actions you take? Your thoughts, your feelings, your beliefs, the way you view the world, and the way you view yourself. How do you view yourself? Who do you identify as? The person who needs the security blanket of a brick-and-mortar 9 to 5 or the aspiring digital nomad who is ready, confident, and willing to risk heading into the unknown because they seek to "earn and travel". If you adopt a new identity then your whole life can change - that's the power of an identity shift. To make a reality shift, you'll need to disassociate from your current identity first.

Creating A Different Identity

Ask yourself what desires you have. Figure out what you're willing to tolerate; will you tolerate not attaining your desires? If not, ask yourself who you must be to attain the desires you have. Figure out who you need to become, then work toward becoming that person. List the traits, write them down, and put the list somewhere you can see it every day - while remembering that change happens in the mind first.

Another thing to consider is not everyone will be willing to accept a shift in your identity or the choices that result from the shift. Our associates, our family members, and society have expectations, and if you don't abide by those conditioned expectations, you'll need to have the strength to be who you want to be despite any pushback. That strength will need to be a trait within the identity you create for yourself. So make sure, as you contemplate what's necessary for the identity you want to create for yourself, that you stop and think about whether you want the external to influence the internal or vice versa.

A Permanent Change in Your Reality - Identity Maintenance

People often hope for change. For example, every year, they make New Year's resolutions to finally "create a lifestyle change" and then, people may make a change for a little while, but then they revert back to their original habits. Why? Because there was no change in their identity - so they revert back to their default selves. There may have been some temporary change in his/her actions, but to maintain change, you need to shift the perspective of who you are first. In the case of the aspiring digital nomad, you'd need to see yourself as a traveler first and believe it so deeply that any action you engage in that opposes that idea, feels unnatural to you. I'd ask the aspiring nomad, is your identity rooted in being a 9 to 5 employee at the brick-and-mortar office or is your identity rooted in leveraging the internet and using your skills to monetize it?

Wrapping up Thoughts About Identity Shifting

Of course, it's natural to have doubts when you attempt something new, but as you start to see yourself differently, your doubts will be reduced over time and gradually, it won't affect you as much. As you consciously work on seeing yourself differently, it will be easier to adjust your beliefs, and consequently, your habits and consequently, your identity and consequently, your reality. So if you want to be a digital nomad, or have some other lifestyle that you want to pursue, your mission would be to apply what you read here, in order to make dramatic shifts in your identity and therefore, your life, Let the information I've shared with you today be the seed of The Identity Shift that Sparks the Creation of a Different Life, and go after the life that you want to live.


(with the traveler identity)

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