Challenges and Pitfalls in Road Traffic ...

Challenges and Pitfalls in Road Traffic Accident Claims

Jun 20, 2023

A car accident can cause significant long-term financial problems for victims and their families. These include the costs of expensive therapies and medicines. In most countries, multiple government departments collect and release road traffic injury data. These are typically traffic police departments, health departments, and transportation or labor departments.

Contributory Negligence

In many cases, insurers will allege that you contributed to your injuries by failing to take reasonable care. This is a common defense and can significantly reduce the amount of compensation you are awarded.

Let’s consider an example: You are crossing the road and fail to heed a ‘don’t cross’ signal, but a car turns right into you from behind. You might be able to prove that the driver was negligent, but the Defendant Insurer may argue that you contributed to your own injury by not checking the traffic or waiting for the countdown to start before crossing.

While most jurisdictions have moved away from pure contributory negligence rules, a few states still adhere to them – including Birmingham, Cambridge, Bristol, Manchester. Other states have adopted what is known as comparative fault theories, which allow you to recover damages even if you are found to be partially responsible for the accident that caused your injuries.

However, a court must also determine what percentage of liability each party has. This can be a complicated process, and a judge will often have discretion as to what percentage of blame they feel you should bear. As such, it is important that you consult with a solicitor before attempting to settle your claim.

Disputes and Challenges

Inevitably, some road traffic accidents will be subject to dispute. The most common dispute involves liability for the accident. Proving liability for a car crash is essential for a successful personal injury claim. This usually requires supporting evidence, such as engineer’s reports, photographs of the cars involved in the collision, witness statements, reports detailing how the accident occurred and police reports.

Another common cause of a dispute is the issue of causation. While liability establishes who is legally responsible for an accident, it is only possible to make a claim if harm can be shown to have arisen as a consequence of the breach of duty of care. This is why it is vital for injured people to use a specialist personal injury solicitor who understands the difference between causation and liability.

It is also worth noting that, in some cases, a person who was hurt in a road traffic accident may be unable to pursue a claim because they lack mental capacity. This is something that the solicitors at Truth Legal are fully familiar with. They can explain how mental capacity affects a case, and help an individual to bring a claim even if they lack the required capacity.

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Dealing with Denial of Claims

A road traffic accident can be a terrifying experience. It can also cause physical and psychological damage that is difficult to quantify. For instance, some victims suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Symptoms of this condition can include nightmares and flashbacks, difficulty sleeping or concentrating, and fear or anxiety when faced with similar situations.

In addition to traumatic injuries, people who are in accidents often suffer from emotional trauma that can be hard to recover from. This can affect their work and personal life. It can also lead to financial difficulties and problems such as debt.

While insurance companies are supposed to act in good faith, they may not always do so. They may find reasons to deny your claim, such as you weren’t insured or didn’t meet the requirements to file a claim.

You should always keep all documentation related to your car accident in order to make a successful claim. You should take pictures, get detailed witness statements and document the damages to your vehicle. An experienced car accident lawyer can help you build a strong case and negotiate for the maximum compensation. An attorney can also help you if your claim is denied by filing an appeal with the insurance company or with your state’s department of insurance.

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