What's Under the BIG Blue Tarp?

What's Under the BIG Blue Tarp?

Apr 15, 2021

Helloo Hello!

We have been hiding under a BIG Blue Tarp for 7 MONTHS!! I installed it (lol) Bungee'd #knotBIGenough in October 2020. It has been a super wet winter in the NW! and the last couple of weeks the wind is crazy and tearing up the tarp.

NOW we have days and days of amazing weather and dry skies in Seattle!!

uploaded to YouTube via FB live - need to find simple editing tool to jazz up my production, as well as edit out the grumble of Cpt Jolly Ol' Santa Claus !

Lots of work to do in and out ~ Click on "Buy" some Rocket Fuel to Support our Adventures to Shine her UP!


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