Peace blend 🌿

Peace blend 🌿

Apr 08, 2021

πŸƒ Peace blend for home πŸƒ 🏑

Part of keeping a home is making it a warm environment. Welcoming positivity and pushing away negative energy isn't a simple task. Oils & herbs help. This particular blend is especially good when dealing with difficult people in your home. This is my own blend of Lemongrass, Grapefruit in Myrrh & a specially prepared oil. Lemongrass works as a anti-depressant, lifts heavy/negative vibes, boost the immune, cleanses the air in your home as it also repels pest like flies, fleas, lice & ticks. Also removes pet odors. Grapefruit enlivens, uplift and brings joy (as a lil girl I recall my dad eating a grapefruit with honey in the morning and the aroma still puts a smile on my face) If you need more Joy in your home you need grapefruit! And lastly Myrrh... an ancient gem. Medicinal, healing, soothing properties make it a necessity in a home. Also works as a lung tonic (coughs, colds, flu) and purifier. Has a calming, balancing effect on emotions. All together they smell amazing and work their special enchantment. πŸ’œπŸƒ

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