This One Brings Back Memories...

This One Brings Back Memories...

Nov 22, 2022

Dear Diary,

The good memories that is. I was in my early 20s and Japan was one of the countries in Asia I wanted to visit. And visit I did. I went straight to Tokyo alone.

So one thing everyone says about Tokyo is that food and accommodation could be expensive for young cash strapped tourists like yours truly. Yeah, I was young at the time. I know it's hard to believe I made it this far. I can't believe it too.

Anyways just like in any large metropolitan you can find foods that are affordable and authentic. There are lots of Japanese restaurants serving meals for $4 to $5, which just happens to be my budget. And boy were those meal filling and delicious.

One of those meals that kept my tummy filled and fueled my exploration of Tokyo is Curry Fried Rice with Ground Beef.

That, along with ramen, soba and frequent trips to 7 Elevens and Lawsons saved me a lot of money.

This dish is a homage to those distant memories...

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