The Benefits of Journalling & Writing

The Benefits of Journalling & Writing

Apr 15, 2021

9 Different Ways You Can Journal

by Jo Watt

May be an image of one or more people and text that says 'The more I write, the more feel Ifeelconnectedto connectedt myself. Jo Watt Watt Unifies me'

This practice has been one that I really love to practice. Journalling is a great self reflection tool that is highly beneficial to help us track our thoughts, and experiences. There are several ways you can journal and write.

Personally I like to do the following journals:

  • Spirit Journal – I like to journal synchronicities, signs from spirit, visions and messages from spirit, spirit animals I’ve encountered each day. This helps me keep faith in the universe that I am supported and guided.

  • Gratitude Journal – I like to write at least 5 things I’m grateful for every day. This helps me stay in the vibration of gratitude and to be thankful for everything I presently have in my life.

  • Dream Journal – Some dreams I like to record as dreams hold significant messages from our unconscious mind.

  • Ideas & Creative Journal – I like to write my ideas as they come to me on what I want to create or manifest.

  • Moon Journal – Sometimes I like to write lists to let go with the Full Moon or write out goals and dreams I want to manifest with the New Moon.

  • Future Letters To Myself – I learnt this one recently where you write future letters to yourself, which is a great idea to communicate with your future self and create future memories you want to attract.

  • Art Journal/Writing: I tend to write a lot of poetry, songs or sacred geometry drawings. Finding an art journal to doodle, write and express your creativity is a great way to help you record your creative thoughts.

  • Automatic writing – this is a great way to get messages directly from your higher self/spirit guides.

  • Travel Journal - this is a great way to record the places you visited, what you saw, ate, experienced on your holiday/travel, and how it made you feel..

    Did you know writing helps you connect with yourself and is one of the most important things you can do to set yourself up for a good day.

    Here are some 5 tips to write in your journal every morning:

  • Thoughts: Write freely what thoughts are floating around in your mind. When we get our thoughts onto paper, we free our mind up for the thoughts we want to create.

  • Goals: Write down a list of 6 goals to be completed for the day. They can be as trivial as you like or something that’s important you want to achieve for the day. Every time you check something off, celebrate your wins. When we celebrate our wins we train our mind to be our own cheerleader.

  • Intentions: These are so important to set us up for our day. Make our intentions positive and reflect the best version of ourselves. Eg I am patient, kind and loving today.

  • Gratitude: Write down 5 things we are grateful for each day. An attitude of gratitude will create a more positive and happy mindset.

  • Dreams: Write down a list of hopes, wishes and dreams you want to manifest in the future. When we can visualise our dreams, write it and believe we will receive it, we can achieve it.

5 Different Ways You Can Write to Yourself

  • Letter to your past self – Simply write out past issues where you had regrets, hurts, loss, grief, painful memories, fears, insecurities etc and then simply burn the letter.

  • Letter to your future self – This is a great way to write about your hopes and dreams for the future and what you want to manifest and write as if it's already happened. Set an intention to achieve your dreams and bury it at New Moon.

  • Love letter to yourself – This is a great self love tool by praising yourself, acknowledging what your good at, focussing on the things that make you beautiful and your unique qualities. You can frame your love letter and read it everyday to remind yourself how loved you are.

  • Letter to your inner child – this is a great tool to help you connect to your inner child and develop a stronger relationship with the purest part of you! Our inner child relationship is so important.

  • Letter to someone who has hurt you – sometimes we struggle with confrontation or getting out what we need to say to someone we are in conflict with. By writing it out and getting it out of our head, we can get it off and our chest in a non-direct way. You don’t have to send it to them. You’re just allowing yourself to express your hurts and allowing yourself to feel heard. It’s also a good idea to include your part in the situation and how you played a role in the conflict as this gets you out of victim mentality and into self-responsibility. Afterwards burn or tear up the letter without re-reading it and let it all go.

What ways do you like to journal & write? Feel free to share in the comments below.


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